financial services

financial services

One stop for all your financial planning and insurance needs.

Preparing for retirement should create excitement, not concern. Yet for many, that’s not necessarily the case.

According to a recent study, 60 percent of pre-retirees do not have a plan for how much money they will spend each year in retirement and where that money will come from.1 Additionally, three in four Americans remain highly anxious about their overall retirement outlook.2

That's where we come in.

We use insurance products, such as fixed annuities, to help you build financial strategies. From tax-efficient strategies to protecting some of your assets — we’ll cover as many bases as possible to help you create a strategy that supports your retirement lifestyle and long-term financial goals.

At United Senior Advisors Group LLC we can offer you the following products and services:

(Hover over or tap the images below to learn more about some of the services we offer)


Are you seeking guaranteed retirement income or looking for an additional tax-advantaged way to save for retirement?An annuity may be the answer. We have a broad selection of retirement annuity products designed to help fit your needs. Our highly trained professionals are ready to guide you and help you feel confident you're making the most suitable retirement planning decisions. We can review your current annuity to see if there is a more suitable lower-cost option available that might provide you with more competitive rates.

tax-efficient strategies

Tax strategy is a critical estate planning consideration – especially in times of looming increases and legislative uncertainty.You deserve the peace of mind that comes with leaving behind a sound estate plan to take care of your family. We’ll show you ways to use annuities, trusts, and life insurance policies to minimize your tax burden, allowing your beneficiaries to receive the maximum amount possible. You’ll work with our team of specialists to design and execute a plan that’s right for you and your beneficiaries.

Veterans benefits

As Veterans age, the Department of Veterans Affairs will provide benefits and services that address a variety of issues they may face.Elderly Veterans may be eligible for a wide-variety of benefits available to all U.S. military Veterans. VA benefits include disability compensation, pension, education and training, health care, home loans, insurance, vocational rehabilitation and employment, and burial. We can help you apply for these programs and ensure that you are getting the full benefits you are entitled to.

Using our unique team approach, we develop a personal income strategy that fits your family or organization.

We invite you to take some time to explore all of the exciting areas of our extensive website specifically developed for our clients' use. Once we understand your financial situation, risk tolerance and investment objectives, we can help you decide which types of products and services fit within your financial strategy.

USA Group Retirement Roadmap Mockup

Find Your Way to Retirement

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